Quick Reference of Data Visualization Methodology

Data visualization is a powerful technique that needs time and practice to be done well. It's also a controversial domain between simlicity/effectiveness and design/embellishment.

This website is designed to provide visualization community a reference and introduction guide, so we continuously collect information about how charts should be used and how they are designed, yet we plan to include other related topics such as:

Data Scraping
Data Wrangling
Data Analysis
Data Taxonomy
Visual Encoding
Color Schema

Datavis.tips also connected with our online data visualization service PlotDB, so you can try out each visualization on PlotDB after finishing reading the material about how to use them. We hope that Datavis.tips does not only provide you the complete resouces of data visualization, but also promote data visualization into different domain.

If you'd like to know more about us, you can check our our facebook fanpage "資料視覺化 / Data Visualization"(in Mandarin), "PlotDB", or "infographics.tw"(in Mandarin).